Crisis Management

WCC has a number of methods for notifying our community in the event of a crisis:

  • WCC Alert -  Automatically alerts by phone, email & PDA of emergency situations that could affect the campus. Register HERE
  • IP Phone - A phone is located in every classroom and office and will broadcast instructions through the speakers
  • Fire Alarms - If this alarm sounds, leave the building quickly and move to designated area. DO NOT LEAVE!
  • Display Screens - Televisions with the ability to be be programmed with College messages displayed around campus
  • WCC Website - In the event of an emergency notifications, a special message will be displayed at the top of all WCC website pages
  • CARE Team -  A team of counselors, staff & administrators that handle referrals for students or employees in distress or who may pose a threat to the campus community. Please see Student Services for more information.

Several terms will be used when an alert is issued which will instruct you on what to do next:

  • Evacuation - Evacuate the buildings quickly and quietly following the evacuation plans in your classroom.
  • Shelter in Place - This will be used in the event of an emergency (i.e. weather event). Move to the designated interior safe spaces and stay there until you are given an all clear message.
  • Lockdown - This will be used in the event of a danger situation, such as a shooter or hazardous materials release. Lock the door to your office or classroom (barricade the door if possible), turn off the lights, turn off your cell phone, get low and stay out of site, and stay quiet. If the fire alarm goes off, do not leave unless you smell smoke. Stay in your lockdown location until someone in authority that you recognize tells you that the situation is over. Do not open the door unless you recognize the person of authority on the other side.