Wytheville Community College (WCC) celebrated the 14th cohort of power line workers in a graduation ceremony led by Perry Hughes, WCC Vice-President of Workforce Development and Occupational Programs, on the Wytheville campus on Friday, November 1, 2024. 

“In the middle of the ceremony’s program, we define “hero.” What we witnessed in our own region and in North Carolina in the last few weeks, has shown you what it takes to be a hero. Some may think this is just a job, but to the person without oxygen and in need to have their power turned back on, you are their hero,” Hughes said to the graduates. “Our slogan is “Rising to the Top,” and today, you achieved that climb.” 

As of this class, 357 students have successfully completed the power line worker training program at WCC since its inception in 2017. Mike Morrison, Power Line Worker Training Instructor, addressed the group of graduates offering advice and praising the students’ success. “You should never be okay with second place. If you do, you’ll never strive to do more. It was a pleasure to watch you all work together these last fourteen weeks, to form relationships, and to go out into the workforce. We need you. You are the next generation that America will build upon. You are the backbone,” Morrison said. 

Students that complete the program in 14 weeks gain certifications and the skills to become successful power line workers. Skills that these students learn include electrical theory, aerial framing, rigging, safety, commercial truck driving, and the use of utility service equipment. WCC hosted the students and their families for breakfast before the ceremony. 

After the ceremony, the new graduates accompanied Jimmy Powers, WCC Power Line Instructor, to the pole yard to show off a little of their newly acquired climbing skills to families and friends. Powers is a graduate of the first WCC Power Line program and is now a lead instructor for the students. He said, “in the first weeks, we challenged them [the students] to learn that if you hit a brick wall, they should face it head on. You will face other brick walls. That is life. I believe in you. I saw where you started and where you finished. If you stick with it, you will get there.” 

Many of the graduates are either already employed with a power line company or have moved forward to participate in WCC’s Underground Power Line Training Program. For more information about WCC’s Power Line Worker program, please call 223-4717, or email Lisa Lowe, Workforce Development Credentials and Career Coach at llowe@wcc.vccs.edu. 


Pictured: WCC Power Line Worker November 2024 Graduates: James Belcher, Eli Blevins, Cashel Brown, Christian Bruce, Robert Burkett, Isaiah Dancy, Bryce Dotson, Evan Duncan, Christopher Martin, Hunter Millaway, Tyler Norris, Jacob Osborne, Ethan Roberts, Dylan Sexton, Jordan Sherry, Tyler Smith, Landon Tabor, Joey Webb

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