WCC Hosts Emergency Response Tabletop Exercise

Wytheville Community College (WCC) hosted an emergency response Tabletop Exercise on Friday, January 27, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The Tabletop Exercise was held in Snyder Auditorium in Grayson Hall. 

Representatives from local and regional law enforcement, emergency management, fire departments, first responders, hospital representatives, and public school officials throughout WCC’s service area, as well as several representatives from state and federal agencies and other colleges, participated in this important exercise.

Kim Hobert, Virginia Community Colleges (VCCS) Director of Emergency Planning, Safety, and Security facilitated the exercise and led participants in discussions about proper procedures for campus emergency responses. Dr. Dean Sprinkle, Wytheville Community College President, said about the Tabletop Exercise, "WCC is committed to providing a safe environment and working closely with our community partners to respond appropriately to emergency situations at all of our locations. These include WCC's Wytheville campus, two off-site locations in Marion --WCC at the Henderson and the new workforce development facility in Marion -- and WCC at the Crossroads Institute in Galax. Thank you to Kim Hobert, Director of Emergency Planning, Safety & Security for the VCCS, for serving as Facilitator for this Tabletop Exercise, and everyone at the college and from our community agencies who participated." 

This exercise focused on the collective response to several emergency scenarios including scenarios at each WCC location. 



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