WCC Theatre Presents “Love Letters” in February


All You Need Is Love,” according to the popular Beatles song. But it isn’t that simple, is it?  Playwright A. R. Gurney explores the evolution of love between two people in his drama Love Letters, playing February 4-5 and 11-12 at Wytheville Community College. The play begins in 1937, with simple letters of two early childhood friends Andrew “Andy” Makepeace Ladd III (played by Robert Burnett) and Melissa Gardner (played by Denita Burnett). The correspondence between them continues through boarding school, college years, and adulthood, ultimately spanning nearly 50 years. Andy and Melissa journey through moments of awkwardness, humor, frustration, happiness, disappointment, pleasure, and sadness.  

The WCC Theatre is excited to begin 2022 with this poignant story. “So much time is covered in this show and it’s amazing to see how the story of these two people unfolds,” says Director Tina Edwards. “Even though the set and lighting are very minimal the audience will be taken on a roller coaster of emotions as Andy and Melissa read their letters.”  

A special aspect of this show is that all proceeds will benefit the newly established “Bobby Jean Wymer Memorial Scholarship.” Wymer was a dedicated English faculty member at WCC from 1968 until her retirement in 2002. WCC Theatre Director Janice Pryor remembers Wymer’s love of the arts, “Bobby was a strong supporter of the arts, especially WCC’s Theatre Program; it is particularly fitting that the WCC Theatre is able to support the Wymer Memorial Scholarship in this manner.”  As such, there is no set ticket price; donations of any amount will be gladly accepted. Love Letters plays February 4-5 and 11-12 at 7:00 pm each evening in Snyder Auditorium, located in Grayson Hall, on the WCC Wytheville Campus.  

Reservations are strongly recommended in order to ensure appropriate social distancing between groups of people. In addition, all attendees must wear masks regardless of vaccination status. Please call 276-223-4795 or email wcctheatre@wcc.vccs.edu for reservations. Note, this show is not appropriate for young children due to adult language and content. 

Tickets may be picked up at the box office, which opens thirty minutes before each performance. For additional information or questions about this performance, please check the WCC Theatre Facebook page.

WCC Theatre’s next production is The Sweet Delilah Swim Club, April 1-2 and 8-9, so stay tuned for details regarding that show.



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