Medical Records Clerk

A medical records clerk is responsible for organizing, updating, storing, and retrieving patient files in health care facilities.  One’s position will consist of organizing patient information, reading medical histories, communicating with medical professionals, and maintaining medical records. Students will need to understand confidentiality and legal responsibilities concerning patient information. 

Career Studies Certificate in Medical Records Clerk
This career studies certificate is a two semester certificate.

First Year

First Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
AST 101 1 3 0 3
AST 234 3 0 3
HIM 101 3 2 4
HIM 113 3 0 3
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 12 2 13  

Second Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
AST 102 3 0 3
ENG 137 2 3 0 3
HIM 130 3 0 3
HIM 150 3 0 3
HLT 145 2 0 2
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 14 0 14  
Certificate Earned

Certificate Earned!

Complete two more semesters and you can have a degree in Health Information Management.


Students who possess keyboarding skills may petition for advanced placement with Credit by Examination.


Students who desire transferable credits must take ENG 111 in place of ENG 137.