Career Studies Certificates
Career Studies Certificate in Substance Abuse
This career studies certificate is a two semester certificate.

This certificate prepares for employment that would provide treatment and support to those struggling with addiction.

Occupational Objectives

Graduates of this program will be qualified for positions designed to assist substance abuse counselors. The employment opportunities are vast and expected to grow as the elderly population grows and the needs of impaired populations continue to increase. Explore options in fields such as social work, counseling, mental health care and more. Graduates with experience in this field become:

  • drug and alcohol rehabilitation technicians
  • nursing home aides
  • community development assistants
  • counseling or social service assistants
  • childcare workers
  • eligibility interviewers for government programs
  • mental health counselors
  • human service assistants
  • substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors
  • teacher assistants
  • case management aides
  • adult daycare workers

Admission to the Career Studies Certificate program is based upon the general requirements for admission to the college.

First Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
HMS 220 3 0 3
HMS 251 3 0 3
SDV 100 1 1 0 1
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Radford University
UNIV 100 elective
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 7 0 7  

Second Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
HMS 252 3 0 3
HMS 260 3 0 3
PSY 215 2 3 0 3
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Virginia Tech
PSYC 3014
Radford University
PSYC 439
Virginias Private Colleges & Universities
Bluefield College
PSY/CRJ 3034
Liberty University
PSYC 430
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 9 0 9  