As per the Governor of Virginia’s Executive Order #50 (2015)- Executive Order To Prevent Gun Violence, Virginia Department Of General Services Directive #16 - Banning Open Carry Of Firearms, and the Virginia Administrative Code Title 1 Chapter 105 - Regulations Banning Concealed Firearms In Offices Owned Or Occupied By Executive Branch Agencies and Title 8 Chapter 10 - Regulation Of Weapons, Virginia Department of Human Resource Management Policy 1.80 - Workplace Violence, any person while on Wytheville Community College property is prohibited from the possession or carrying of any weapon, except police officers, in academic buildings, administrative office buildings, student centers, dining facilities and places of like kind where people congregate, or while attending any sporting, entertainment, or educational events. Entry upon Wytheville Community College property in violation of this prohibition is expressly forbidden.

Any individual in violation of this prohibition will be asked to remove the weapon immediately. Failure to comply may result in a student conduct referral, an employee disciplinary action, or arrest.

This policy shall not apply to current sworn and certified local, state, and federal law enforcement officers with proper identification, nor shall it apply to possession of a weapon when stored securely inside the vehicle of properly permitted students and employees.

The Wytheville Community College Chief of Police or his designee, may authorize in writing a person to possess, store, or use a weapon: (i) when used for educational or artistic instruction, display, parade, or ceremony sponsored or approved by the college (unloaded or disabled only and with other specified safeguards, if appropriate); or (ii) for any college-approved training, course, or class.