Law Enforcement Certificate

Career and Technical Studies
Certificate: Protective Services Technology in Law Enforcement
Two-semester (one-year) program

The program is designed for practitioners in law enforcement and associated fields who desire to take courses within their occupational specialty. Graduates will be qualified for employment in law enforcement upon completion of the program.

Occupational Objectives

Commercial and Industrial Security Officer
Police Officer
Advancement within the Profession


Admission Requirements: In addition to the admission requirements established for the college, entry into the Law Enforcement program requires a personal interview with a member of the faculty of the Criminal Justice major and competency in English and Math Essentials MTE 1-2 as demonstrated through the placement and diagnostic tests, or by satisfactorily completing the required MTE units or equivalent.

Curriculum Requirements: The Certificate in Law Enforcement includes basic courses in humanities and social sciences as well as specialized courses in Criminal Justice. The program of studies is designed to assist the student in meeting both the skill requirements of the job and obligations as a citizen in our democratic society.

Upon successful completion of the program, the student will be awarded a Certificate in Protective Services Technology with a major in Law Enforcement.

The following list is a suggested sequence in which students may plan their class schedules to ensure graduation in one year.

First Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
ADJ 100 3 0 3
ADJ 105 3 0 3
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Radford University
CRJU 210
ADJ 211 3 0 3
ADJ 227 3 0 3
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Radford University
CRJU 315
ENG 137 1 3 0 3
SDV 100 1 0 1
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Radford University
UNIV 100 elective
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 16 0 16  

Second Semester

Course # Course Title Lect. Hrs. Lab Hrs. Credits Transfer
ADJ 107 3 0 3
ADJ 111 3 0 3
ADJ 212 3 0 3
CST 110 3 0 3
Virginias Public Colleges & Universities
Radford University
COMS 114
Virginias Private Colleges & Universities
Emory & Henry College
SPCH 125
Elective 2 Soc./Behavioral Science 3 0 3
Elective 2 Soc./Behavioral Science 3 0 3
Suggested Credits & Hours for Semester 18 0 18  

Certificate Earned!

Two more semesters and you can have a Degree in Police Science.