Student Complaints & Grievances

Grievance Procedure for Students

In order to be fair and guarantee due process for students, WCC recognizes the need for an appeal policy. Students are encouraged to maintain open communication with faculty, counselors, and others who work with them in achieving educational goals. Differences which may occur are best resolved by direct, positive communication with the individual(s) concerned. (Please note that this grievance procedure applies to non-grade appeal concerns; there is a separate “Grievance Procedure for Course Grade Appeals” listed below.) The student must first discuss his or her concern directly with the other party; however, if the student remains dissatisfied with the results of the discussion, the following procedure should be followed:

  1. As stated above, the student will first meet with the faculty member or other college person with whom the concern is related and try to resolve the problem at that level. However, if a satisfactory resolution is not achieved, the student will proceed to step two. The student has five (5) working days to proceed to step two.
  2. The student will meet with the other party’s Dean or Supervisor. The Dean or Supervisor has five (5) working days, after this meeting, to render his/her decision regarding the matter to the student and the college employee involved. If a satisfactory resolution of the concern does not result from the conference, the student may file a written grievance within five (5) working days of the Dean’s decision with the Vice President of Academics.
  3. The student will meet with the Vice President of Academics in a personal conference. The Vice President of Academics has five (5) working days, after this meeting, to render his/her decision regarding the matter to the student and/or the college employee involved. If a satisfactory resolution of the concern does not result from the conference, the student may file a written grievance within five (5) working days with the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development.
  4. The Dean of Student Success and Academic Development will refer the unresolved grievance, together with all supporting statements and the aggrieved student’s written request, to the College Judicial Board.
  5. The College Judicial Board shall hold a hearing within five (5) working days after the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development’s referral for hearing.
  6. In reaching its decision, the Judicial Board shall consider only the evidence presented at the hearing and such oral and written arguments as the Judicial Board may consider relevant. Within five (5) working days after the hearing, the Judicial Board shall make recommendations based upon the hearing and submit such to all parties involved.
  7. If the decision of the Judicial Board is not satisfactory to the student, he/she may request in writing within five (5) working days that the President review the findings of the Judicial Board. The President has five (5) working days to render a final decision. The decision of the President is final.

The Student Grievance Procedure is designed to provide students due process when they believe college policy has been compromised. Grievable issues must be related to interpretation or application of college policy. Personal opinions, matters of taste or preference, and circumstances covered by external rules, laws, or guidelines are not typically grievable under the Student Grievance Procedure.


Grievance Procedure for Course Grade Appeals

Students are responsible for completing course requirements as outlined in course syllabi and instructions provided by each respective faculty member. Course grades are assigned based on the approved college grading policies. However, if students disagree with the course grade that they receive, the student may submit a formal course grade appeal. Grade appeals must be filed in writing no later than the first thirty (30) working days of the beginning of classes of the semester immediately following student receipt of the grade in question.

As with any grievance, the student must first discuss his or her concern directly with the faculty member or members who assigned the course grade. If the student remains dissatisfied with the results of the discussion, the student should follow the procedure outlined below:

  1. As stated above, the student will first meet with the faculty member or members who assigned the grade and try to resolve the problem at that level. However, if a satisfactory resolution is not achieved, the student will proceed to step two. The student has five (5) working days to proceed to step two.
  2. For selective admission health programs, the student will meet with the Program Head. The Program Head has five (5) working days, after this meeting, to render his/her decision regarding the matter to the student and the faculty member involved. If a satisfactory resolution of the concern does not result from the meeting, the student may file a written grievance within five (5) working days of the Program Head’s decision with the Dean/Director of the Division.
  3. The student will meet with the other Dean/Director of the Division in which the course was offered. The Dean/Director has five (5) working days, after this meeting, to render his/her decision regarding the matter to the student and the faculty member involved. If a satisfactory resolution of the concern does not result from the meeting, the student may file a written grievance within five (5) working days of the Dean’s/Director’s decision with the Vice President of Academics.
  4. The student will meet with the Vice President of Academics in a personal conference. The Vice President of Academics has five (5) working days, after this meeting, to render his/her decision regarding the matter to the student and/or the college employee involved. If a satisfactory resolution of the concern does not result from the conference, the student may file a written grievance within five (5) working days with the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development.
  5. The Dean of Student Success and Academic Development will refer the unresolved grievance, together with all supporting statements and the aggrieved student’s written request, to the College President.
  6. The President has five (5) working days to render a final decision. The decision of the President is final.

*NOTE: The time limits set forth in these policies are critical and must be followed by all parties. Failure to meet deadlines will result in loss of protection granted by the policy. Any extension of deadlines must be approved by the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development. Also, college work days are Monday - Friday except for approved holidays.

The Virginia State Approving Agency (SAA) is the approving authority of education and training programs for Virginia. Our office investigates complaints of GI Bill® beneficiaries. While most complaints should initially follow the school grievance policy, if the situation cannot be resolved at the school, the beneficiary should contact our office via email GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U. S. government Webs site at


Judicial Board

The College Judicial Board is comprised of two (2) students, two (2) faculty members, and one college administrator and provides for due process review of student grievances and appeals of decisions regarding disciplinary matters. Student members will be appointed to the Board by the Dean of Student Success and Academic Development. Faculty members and the administrator will be appointed by the Vice President of Academics.


Student Complaints Under State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA)

Wytheville Community College accepts oversight from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), the Commonwealth’s coordinating body for higher education, in resolving complaints from students taking distance education under the aegis of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA). If a student has exhausted the avenues provided by the institution and the complaint has not been resolved internally, the student may submit the Student Complaint Form to SCHEV. More details on the formal SCHEV student complaints procedure may be found on the SCHEV agency page at Students may also seek resolution through the Office for Civil Rights of the United States Department of Education (“OCR”). A complaint filed with OCR must be filed within 180 calendar days of the alleged discrimination. Or, if the college complaint procedure was utilized by the student, the OCR complaint must be filed within 60 calendar days from the date of the final decision, unless the time for filing is extended by the OCR for good cause shown. Information on how to proceed may be accessed on OCR’s website here.


Instruction Delivery Agreement

The institution agrees that in cases where the institution cannot fully deliver the instruction for which a student has contracted, to provide a reasonable alternative for delivering the instruction or reasonable financial compensation for the education the student did not receive. This may include tuition assurance funds, surety bonds, irrevocable letter of credit, assistance with transfer, teach-out provisions or other practices deemed sufficient to protect consumers.